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Day Trips from Puerto Princesa

Discover the best day trips from Puerto Princesa with our expert guide. Explore nearby hidden gems and must-see attractions in Palawan's captivating surroundings. Plan your perfect adventure today!

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The Best Day Trips from Puerto Princesa

When you find yourself in the enchanting city of Puerto Princesa, the gateway to Palawan's natural wonders, the urge to explore beyond its borders is irresistible. With Happytripz at your service, embarking on the most memorable day trips is just a booking away. Here are some of the top picks for your next adventure:

Underground River Tour

First on the list is the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River, a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature. This marvel is just a couple of hours from the city center. With Happytripz, you'll glide through the world's longest navigable underground river, marveling at the stunning limestone formations and the quiet majesty of this natural wonder.

Honda Bay Island Hopping

For sun worshippers and water enthusiasts, Honda Bay offers a day of island-hopping bliss. Just a stone's throw from Puerto Princesa, you can snorkel in the Pambato Reef and lounge on the pristine sands of Starfish Island. Happytripz ensures a seamless experience, from pick-up to the provision of snorkeling gear.

  • Starfish Island - Google Maps
  • Luli Island - Known for its disappearing sandbars
  • Cowrie Island - Perfect for a seafood lunch by the beach

Firefly Watching in Iwahig River

As dusk falls, the Iwahig River transforms into a magical place. Happytripz offers an eco-friendly firefly watching tour that is both mesmerizing and educational. The gentle glow of these nocturnal creatures, coupled with a symphony of night sounds, creates an unforgettable evening.

Elnido Tour

Although a bit farther, a day trip to the breathtaking landscapes of El Nido is possible. Known for its towering limestone cliffs and crystal-clear waters, El Nido is a slice of paradise. Happytripz can arrange for a swift journey to this coastal haven, ensuring you have ample time to soak in the beauty of places like Big Lagoon and Seven Commandos Beach.

With Happytripz, your day trips from Puerto Princesa are not just excursions; they are gateways to the extraordinary. Each journey is crafted with care, ensuring that your experiences are as seamless as they are spectacular. So pack your bags, and let's set off on an adventure that will etch itself into your memory forever.

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Rating 4.7
based on 7244 reviews

Cameron Li

The underground river tour was a highlight of our trip! A must-see natural wonder with excellent guides.

Grady Salas

Honda Bay island hopping is fantastic. Clear waters and vibrant marine life. Great for snorkeling!

Rudy Gaines

The trip to El Nido from Puerto Princesa was breathtaking. Stunning scenery and beautiful beaches.

Zuri Lane

I loved the firefly watching tour. It was magical and very romantic. Highly recommend for couples!

Walker Vasquez

The journey to the Tabon Caves was an adventure into history. Fascinating and very educational!